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Leon Norking Rangel

Leon Norking Rangel is Government Relations Manager and head of BMJ’s Energy and Sustainability teams, based in Brasília. Prior to this role, Leon was Head of BMJ’s UAE office, a position he assumed after four years as Energy Coordinator for BMJ Brazil in São Paulo. Previously, Leon worked on bilateral R&D&I collaboration between Brazil and Denmark at the Danish Consulate in São Paulo between 2012 and 2014; and from 2014 to 2018, he was a consultant at Concordia Public Affairs Strategies, working on public policies for agribusiness, energy and biotechnology. Master in Public Policy from EAESP/FGV and Bachelor in International Relations from USP, he completed part of his undergraduate studies at the University of Copenhagen (2011) and was a group researcher at EASP/FGV and FAPESP in the area of ​​environment between 2019 and 2021. He has specialization courses in public policy from USP and political risk analysis from FGV.


Government Relations • Mining and Energy • Sustainability
+55 61 3223-2700