Martha is an administrative assistant and is part of the financial management team (GAFI) at the headquarters in São Paulo. In her daily activities, she plays a crucial role in overseeing and managing the team’s routines and schedules, as well as facilitating communication with other departments to efficiently organize demands. With 7 years of previous experience as a secretary, she brings a solid professional background. She holds a degree in Business Administration from FMU, which enhances her skills and contributes to the team’s success.
SHIS QI 25 Conjunto 12 Casa 15
Lago Sul, Brasília – DF – 71.660-320
+(55) 61 3223-2700
Rua Matias Cardoso, 11 - Sala 204 - Bairro Santo Agostinho - CEP:30.170-050
+(55) 31 2527-0403
R. do Rocio, 220 - 1 Andar -sala 12 - Vila Olímpia São Paulo - SP, CEP. 04552-000
+(55) 11 3044-5441
Business Bay Bayswater Tower, 19th floor, Office n° 20